Vandyke students take part in Buzz Cinema Film Festival Now celebrating its third annual edition, Buzz Cinema’s film festival showcases local film talent and brings people together from across Beds, Bucks and Herts. The programme included screenings of short films (comedy, horror and experimental) as well as a screening of the feature film Signs of […]
Y11 Media students visit Sky Studios With their own private bus service on site for staff, their own Waitrose and a string of celebrity names on the staff wage sheet, Sky Studios is a hugely impressive company. 32 Y11 media studies students and I booked a coach down to Sky studios in order to plan, […]
Y10 students complete Bronze DofE Practice Expedition The start of October brought successful Training/Practice Expeditions for 86 Year 10 Bronze DofE participants, and thankfully, 3 out of 4 days of sunshine to accompany the back to back expeditions. On the first training day, participants were introduced to key campcraft and expedition skills as they made […]
Sixth Form students take part in Opening Doors to Opportunities event at KPMG How can you boost the chances of a stroke victim’s survival by speeding up their ambulance journey to hospital? That was the fascinating interactive challenge – based on a real-life case study – issued to a group of Y12 and Y13 students […]
Vandyke girls impress at Loughborough STEM residential Last term, five Vandyke students went to Loughborough University for a STEM residential for girls. When we were there, we stayed in the university accommodation used by students during term time. We went for four days and had to complete a task over the time given to us […]
Year 11 GCSE Geography Trip to London Olympic Park: Regeneration in Action Year 11 GCSE Geography students have been on a field trip to the London Olympic Park, where they had the chance to conduct fieldwork on the area’s renowned urban regeneration project. The park, once the site of the 2012 Olympics, is now […]
James Grant – Highly Commended for work to promote girls’ football in Leighton Linslade On Monday 30th September, Stewart Seymour (Partnership Development Manager) and James Grant (School Sport Development Officer), from the Leighton Linslade School Sports Partnership based at Vandyke Upper School, attended the Barclays Girls Football School Partnership National Awards Ceremony at St. Georges […]
Y13 UPS students board HMS Queen Elizabeth The Year 13 Uniformed Protective Services class attended a trip to a Navy base in Portsmouth. We were fortunate enough to be invited onto the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier (R08). This event hasn’t taken place before and so we appreciated this rare opportunity. The Queen Elizabeth ship […]