Careers provision at Vandyke Upper School
Our intent is to help students become world ready. All students are empowered to be aspirational in their chosen pathways – to follow their passions and interests, and to work towards a career which will facilitate fulfilment and growth. Regardless of whether students are motivated to study a subject they love at a competitive university, to undertake an apprenticeship route or pursue a technical route at a local college, students will benefit from personalised support and guidance. Our excellent careers provision was recognised in our recent OFSTED inspection report:
‘The school’s entrepreneurial approach to careers education is highly effective. There are regular opportunities for pupils and students in the sixth form to meet a range of employers, colleges and universities. This includes Vandyke careers week. As a result, pupils make well-informed decisions about their futures. The support for those wishing to follow apprenticeships is a particular strength.’ – OFSTED, January 2024
Our whole school approach to careers education explores a variety of links to careers through curriculum areas. We offer meaningful interactions with colleges, apprenticeship providers, universities and employers. Students will investigate a wide range of pathways in Life Skills lessons, develop employability skills, enjoy an array of expert speakers who offer pertinent advice at key milestones in the school journey while accessing independent careers advice through our provider 4YP. Careers events including our annual Careers Week, the Big Picture Careers Fayre and trips to What Career? Live and the National Apprenticeship Show further facilitate knowledge of the local labour market and available pathways which facilitates effective decision-making.
Our Careers Education and Guidance Programme is designed to support students to feel positive about their future, to improve their motivation, raise their aspirations and take responsibility for their career plans.
At Vandyke, the Gatsby Career Benchmarks and The Baker Clause are at the heart of our Careers Education and Guidance Programme. Our latest destinations data can be found here, and our Policy Statement on Provider Access sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. Our Careers Programme is reviewed in September of each year.
The Careers team at Vandyke Upper are:
Mrs K Quinn – Careers Leader; Assistant Headteacher (01525 636700, [email protected])
Mrs L Davies – Sixth Form Careers Lead (01525 636700, [email protected])
Mrs D Lord – Careers Co-Ordinator (01525 636700, [email protected])
To read Vandyke’s current Careers Education Guidance Policy, please click here.
If you require any further information about our careers programme, please contact Mrs Quinn or Mrs Lord.
Read our Summer 2024 Careers Newsletter here.
Read our Autumn 2023 Careers Newsletter here.