A-Level success for Vandyke students

Aug 15, 2024




A-Level success for Vandyke students

Students were in early at Vandyke Upper School to collect their results on A level results day.

“Results day is always a highlight of the year,” Tim Carroll, Vandyke Headteacher, said.  “This year is no exception and students were here bright and early in beautiful sunshine queuing to collect their envelopes. The atmosphere this morning with students coming into school to collect their results has been nothing short of delightful.  Record numbers have got into their first choice university and others have got onto their prized apprenticeship places or are looking forward to a gap year or starting out in employment.”

“Today is all about individual students, their achievements and setting off on their next steps.  It is lovely to see.  From a school perspective results are again strong with headline measures above last year and will lead to strong value-added when the DfE publishes the performance tables in the Autumn.  Excellent teaching, exceptional support and wonderful further opportunities have made Vandyke the Sixth Form of choice for many in the town and from further afield and are evidenced again today by strong exam results and student destinations.”

“Students work hard and know that the grades they get today can be critical to moving onto the next step in their education and training.  So it is always a relief for the long wait to be over and it is a pleasure to meet so many students this morning who are smiling and happy.  Sixth Form study is a real challenge and students deserve our congratulations.  Best wishes to them all in their future plans.”

Director of Sixth Form, Kerry Quinn, said, “It has been a joyful morning hearing from students about their next steps while celebrating their academic achievements. The vast majority have secured their first choice university courses and more students than ever will be studying with Russell Group universities, including Oxbridge and Medicine courses. Pleasingly, a significant number will be taking up degree apprenticeships with top law firms and other prestigious employers including Mercedes Benz and Network Rail. Staff feel that it has been a privilege to support this aspirational group of young people and we wish them every success moving forward.”

These are the stories of some students:

Josh Abrams achieved straight A* grades in psychology, history and English Literature to gain his place at Selwyn College, Cambridge to read English.  Josh said, “I could not have asked for a better school experience.  My teachers have been passionate about their subject, their enthusiasm is infectious and their teaching so engaging.  Outside of lessons I have completed my DoE gold award and I particularly enjoyed participating in philosophy club as an enrichment activity.  I enjoy writing and am looking forward to the academic environment at Cambridge and to being challenged intellectually.”

Laurence Kennedy achieved A*A*A and will study history at York.  “It is an exciting course with a 20th century focus and an element of politics.  I have enjoyed my time at Vandyke and would like to thank all of my teachers.”

Lillie-Mae Simonds will be studying geography at her first choice of Leeds University.  She said, “Teachers have been great.  In my time here I have enjoy great sporting opportunities including in basketball and rugby.  I will have some really good memories of my time at school and am now looking forward to uni.”

Sam Jones said, “I am buzzing this morning and very pleased with my results and getting into Edinburgh University to study linguistics.  It is a relief but I am pleased with my grade A in law and English Language and B in psychology.  I have loved my time here.”

Twin sisters Amy and Jemma Debell achieved highly with A and B grades and both have gained places at Loughborough University.  Jemma said, “I am sad to be leaving.  I have enjoyed so many aspects of my time at Vandyke including a coaching role with younger students and being part of the county netball team.”

Oli Pearce will be starting an apprenticeship with a local law firm after his success in history, law and sport.  “What has really made the difference for me here is that my teachers really cared about me and helped me to succeed,” said Oli.

Georgia Crutchfield’s success at A Level in maths, biology and chemistry has gained her a place for medicine at the University of Birmingham.  “It has been my long term goal,” said Georgia.  “It has been a nervy last few days waiting for the results.  I got back from a school trip to Morocco last week and that had kept my mind off the results until these last few days.  I am glad the wait is over.”

Aidan Jarvis studied chemistry, maths and physics and will be going to the University of Sussex to study mechanical engineering.  “I joined the Vandyke Sixth Form from Priory Academy in Dunstable and have really enjoyed my time here.  I settled in quickly, made new friends and have enjoyed the real sense of community.”

Antonio Borelli will be studying on a Creative Music Technology course at Salford University having got the grades needed in music, drama and media studies.  “I researched the different degree courses carefully and am excited about studying in Salford where the music and technology facilities are excellent.  Thanks to my teachers who have really helped me.”

Femi Ogun will be studying marketing at Leicester University having achieved A Levels in maths, media studies and biology.  Femi said, ”I felt nervous waiting for the results over the last few days and feel relieved to have got in to my first choice course.  I have had a very good time at Vandyke.  When I first arrived I was a bit shy but I have grown in confidence.  My teachers have helped me see my progress and appreciate that I can do it.  I never thought I would do A Level maths but I did it!”

Huge congratulations to all of our students – we wish you all the very best for your next steps.

Post by Vicky Hunt