
Curriculum Intent

Geographers at Vandyke will have a wide knowledge of locations around the world across a variety of continents and biomes by the end of year 9. They will have explored a range of challenges and opportunities faced by different cultures and populations showing an understanding of the interrelationships between the human and physical environment. Geographers will be more informed about the world around them through listening to voices of previously marginalised groups having access to a range of sources and materials to investigate. These sources are carefully considered to ensure diverse voices are heard in the classroom.

Those who continue to GCSE will continue to build on prior knowledge with in-depth examples of places around the world, with case studies being up to date and relevant. They will have a range of subject specialist terms they can use confidently in a range of contexts, starting to become synoptic in their understanding of the interrelationships between the built and natural worlds. Furthermore they will study a range of fieldwork techniques and apply their understanding of in class topics to the real world on the day and residential trips that we provide.

Our A level geographers will again continue to build upon prior knowledge with a  greater focus on the synopticity of geography and the focus of real world politics, policies, and implications, on not only the physical landscapes but the impacts on civilisations and populations.

You can read our full curriculum overview here.

Curriculum maps - Years 9-11

Curriculum maps - Years 12-13

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