Qualification: A Level History (AQA)
Course Tutor: Mr M Bodo
Course entry requirements: General A level entry requirements including a GCSE grade 5 or above in History.
Course description
The A level course will consist of three units to be studied over two years. The aim of the course is to provide students with the ability to analyse evidence and reach informed judgements.
Unit 1 – Breadth Study
The Tudors: England 1485-1603
Unit 2 – Depth Study
International Relations & Global Conflict c. 1890-1941
Unit 3 – Historical Investigation (Personal Study)
American Civil rights 1865-1980
Students must be willing to learn independently and prepared to read around the subject. Lessons are varied with activities such as studying primary documents, discussion work, role play, internet research, presentations, group and essay work. Students will also have the opportunity to visit historical sites in Year 12 and 13.
At A level there are two exams which assess the entire course content. These exams are worth 40% each towards the final grade.
The exams are a combination of source based and factors questions. All answers are essay based so strong literacy is essential.
Unit 3: The students study American Civil Rights 1865-1980 and then select a question to answer for their coursework. A large percentage of the final grade is based upon independent study. The coursework mark accounts for 20% of the final A level grade.
Post-18 Opportunities and Employment
This course sits well with other arts and humanities based courses and can be studied in its own right at university, through a range of course options. The course can provide a good foundation for careers in teaching, law, media, sales, journalism, advertising, heritage industry, banking, accountancy and the civil service.
If you would like more detailed information about the content of this course, please visit the History curriculum page, where you will find curriculum maps for each year of study.