Qualification: The Certificate in Financial Studies is a one year course but it continues into a second year, as a Diploma in Financial Studies. This is equivalent to an A-level qualification.
Course Tutor: Mr T Lally
Course entry requirements: General BTEC entry requirements including a GCSE grade 5 in English Language or Literature and at least a grade 4 in Maths.
Course description
The course consists of two units based on Financial Capability in Year 12 and two units based on Sustainability of an Individual's Finances and Sustainability of the Financial Services System in Year 13.
Unit 1 examines money and the personal life cycle in the context of a range of financial products including everyday banking, saving, borrowing and budgeting for the immediate and short term. Unit 2 is concerned with the medium and long term and a number of broader issues relevant to financial literacy and financial planning.
Year 2 builds on the skills and knowledge acquired through successful completion of the Certificate in Financial Studies and extends this to include areas such as financial sustainability within the wider financial services system, and the long-term impact of debt.
Unit 1 / Unit 3 are examined early in the spring term and Unit 2 /4 in the summer term. All units have two exams each; a multiple choice paper and a written paper based on a case study. There is a retake for all four parts of the exam.
There is no coursework in the current course.
Post-18 Opportunities and Employment
The course is valuable for all, as we all have to make financial judgements throughout our lives and the course improves our “financial literacy” in an increasingly complex world. It will also help to prepare you for work in the financial services industry.
Its purpose is to prepare students for further study through the development of the core skills of independent thinking, critical analysis and evaluation, synthesis, verbal communication (through classroom discussion) and written communication.