Film Studies

Qualification: A Level Film Studies (Eduqas)

Course Tutor: Mr S Cain

Course entry requirements: General A Level entry requirements including GCSE grade 5 or above in Media Studies and/or English.

Course description

You will study the key elements of film form including cinematography; mise en scène, editing, sound and performance. You will also study the contexts of your chosen films – socially, culturally and historically. You will study the films in terms of the representations they present or challenge. At A Level, you will engage in the study of ideology, the auteur and critical debates surrounding Film – including but not limited to; Marxist, feminist and eco-critical debates.

Hollywood 1930-1990; American Independent Film; British film; European Film; Global Film; Documentary; Silent Film; Experimental Film; Short Film.


There are two exams, each worth 35% of the qualification. Each exam is two and a half hours long.

Component 1:
Hollywood 1930-1990 (comparative study), American film since 2005/2012 (two film study) and British film since 1995 (two film study).

Component 2:
Global film (two-film study), documentary film, silent film and experimental film.


30% of your qualification is Creative Production coursework in which you will create a film extract video or screenplay with accompanying evaluative analysis.

There is a creative production element which allows you to showcase the film-making or screenwriting skills you have developed during the course: Evaluative Analysis A Level: Short Film (video) Short Film Screenplay (with storyboard) Evaluative Analysis. These are worth 30% of your grade for that year. You will have time during lessons and outside of lessons to complete this coursework.

Post-18 Opportunities and Employment

The study of film is highly regarded. Film Studies has been an academic discipline within universities for over 50 years and is regarded as an academic subject in its own right. Oxford and Cambridge are now offering Masters and PHD courses in Film Studies and Screen Arts. Russell Group universities accept Film Studies as an appropriate A level qualification when prospective students apply to study a humanities or arts related discipline such as English, Media, Journalism, Sales and Advertising as well as opportunities more directly related to creating and producing films.

A whole host of new opportunities are springing up in this sector and the industry itself is not as London-centric as it once was.

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