Drama and Theatre

Qualification: A Level Drama and Theatre (Edexcel)

Course Tutor: Mrs S Allsopp

Course entry requirements: General A level entry requirements, students must have English at grade 5 or above and ideally should have studied Drama GCSE or had performing experience in drama, dance or music.

Course description

Component 1: Devising

40% of the qualification

Devise an original performance piece using an extract from a performance text and a theatre practitioner as a stimuli


Component 2: Text in performance

20% of the qualification

Externally assessed by visiting examiner

A group performance

A monologue or duologue


Component 3: Written examination

40% of the qualification

Live theatre evaluation (Theatre visits)


3 units

Inspires creativity and confidence

A practical focus is at the heart of the qualification

Supports progression and develops transferable skills

Incorporates 21st-century theatre practice


Corinne studied Drama and Theatre A Level alongside Psychology A Level and BTEC Health and Social Care. She has gained a BA in Performing Arts from the University of Gloucestershire and is an MA in Performance Studies at Warwick University.

Chloe studied German, History and Theatre Studies and studied German and Linguistics at Nottingham University gaining BA Hons. Chloe now works as an interpreter.

Matthew studied Drama and Theatre alongside English Literature and Art. He was accepted on a BA course in Drama Applied Theatre and Education at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. His personal statement reflected his academic and performance qualities.

Post-18 Opportunities and Employment

This qualification will enable students to:

Study drama and theatre or a performing arts subject in higher education at degree level at many institutions including acting and musical theatre courses.

Gain a qualification respected by all universities.

Past Drama and Theatre students are employed in many fields including law, education, theatre, management and many others.

Gain access to a range of people orientated careers.

Show commitment, teamwork and creativity - skills often desired by employers.

If you would like more detailed information about the content of this course, please visit the Drama curriculum page, where you will find curriculum maps for each year of study.

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