Curriculum Intent
On completing the CGSE Media Studies course, students will be able to critically evaluate a range of media products within a global context. Leaving school with a confident, open attitude to the world, they will be critical, investigating and evaluative.
At the heart of the Media Studies courses at Vandyke is the ambition to make links with the subject and the wider world context. We don’t simply teach the topics needed to cover the course content but we strive to expose students to a range of cultural artefacts and movements; allowing them to see the media as part of a much larger fabric of learning.
Students are assessed via formative and summative strategies. Such as; the level and depth of verbal contributions, the regularly assessed written pieces in their books, homework tasks that extend classroom learning but also help to garner independent study and research skills. Coursework projects ask responsibility of students and regular meetings address pace, mood and enjoyment of lessons.
Beyond the classroom, we seek to provide a range of experiences to enhance the learning of our students: film club, trips and visits to the BFI and University open days.